Baik Art Gallery

Tim Ebner


“I’m always in a state of perpetual motion. Starting with a new project, resolving and then quickly inventing another one. This constant change manifests itself in exploring different materials and processes. Fabric, ceramics, metal, terrazzo, fiberglass and plastic are a few of them and I am always very excited when I can paint with traditional oil on canvas.  Paintings and sculpture can be abstract or representational given the subject I’m focused on. My work could be a finely detailed painting or a colossal wooden relief.  The idea that I shouldn’t make something that contradicts previous work ultimately seduces. I think art work is best when it feels like a temptation. It’s an obsession that keeps me oriented to the world, to my emotions.  Do I know the ultimate meaning behind my work?  The quest would be over if I did.”

“In the recent metal paintings, I emersed myself into the techniques of bending and forming metal. I used sheets of copper, brass, aluminum and steel. I learned how to anneal and forge metal. It’s a creative world outside of the tradition of oil painting, with its own amazing history and a challenging array of techniques to master. I worked in all size and gauges. I fabricated many tools to shape and pattern each individual piece. Paintings could become solid minimal forms or a textured 3- dimensional patterns. I used commercial auto body paint and powder coating for surfacing the metal after it was shaped. There is a massive amount of commercial products used to coat and preserve metal and it is overwhelming but in time I could intuit what color and paint would best work with each shaped design. I want the paintings to express and retain the physical energy needed to shape them but I want them to be as warm and seductive as an oil painting.”



Los Angeles Operations
Susan Baik

Seoul Operations
Ko Seung Hye
+82 10-2174-2598


    Rosamund Felsen Gallery
    California State University Los Angeles
    San Francisco Museum of Modern Art



    1953                        Born Dayton, Ohio

    1975                        University of California, San Diego, Extension

    1977                        California College of Arts and Crafts

    1979                        BFA, California Institute of the Arts

    1982                        MFA, California Institute of the Arts

    Lives in Los Angeles


    1982                        Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles.

    1983                        Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.

    1985                        Richard Kuhlenschmidt Gallery, Los Angeles.

    1986                        Kuhlenschmidt/Simon,  Los Angeles.

    Wolff Gallery, New York.

    1987                        Center for Research in Contemporary Art, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas.

    1988                        Kuhlenschmidt/Simon,  Los Angeles.

    Wolff Gallery, New York.

    Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, California. Robbin Lockett Gallery, Chicago.

    1989                        Richard Kuhlenschmidt Gallery, Santa Monica.

    Wolff Gallery, New York.

    1991                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Los Angeles.

    1992                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Los Angeles.

    1993                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Los Angeles.

    1995                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    1996                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    1997                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    1998                        John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

    1999                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    2000                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    2001                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    2002                        “Tim Ebner: 1988-1991,” Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    2003                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    2005                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    2007                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica.

    2008                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica

    2010                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica

    2012                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica

    2014                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica

    2016                        Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica

    2018                       Denk Gallery, Los Angeles


    1982                      James Turcotte Gallery, Los Angeles.

    1984                      Richard Kuhlenschmidt Gallery, Los Angeles.

    1985                      “Breakfast at Vickman’s,” Vickman’s Restaurant, Los Angeles.

                                  Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.

    1986                      “Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch…,” Kuhlenschmidt/Simon, Los Angeles. Loughelton Gallery, New York.

    1987                      Robbin Lockett Gallery, Chicago.

                                  “Fake,” New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, catalogue. “New Locations,” Wolff Gallery, New York.

                                  “Spatial F-X,” Annina Nosei Gallery, New York.

                                  “Phoenix Biennial,” Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, Arizona.

                                  “Tim Ebner, John L. Grahm, Stephen Prina, Christopher Williams,” Kuhlenschmidt/Simon, Los Angeles.

                                  “New Directions,” Fondazione Michetti, Vicca Franca a’More, Italy.

                                  “L.A. Hot & Cool,” List Visual Art Center, MIT, Cambridge, Massachussets, catalogue. “Industrial Icons,” California State University, San Diego.

                                  “CALARTS Skeptical Belief(s),” Renaissance Society, University of Chicago, catalogue.

    1988                      “CALARTS Skeptical Belief(s),” Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, California. “The Image of Abstraction,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, catalogue.

                                  “syn-SERVICE,” Robbin Lockett Gallery, Chicago.

                                  “Recent Work from Los Angeles,” Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland. “The BiNational:  Art of the Late Eighties,” Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston and Museum of Fine Art, Boston, traveled to Dusseldorf, Germany, catalogue.

                                  “After Abstract,” Art Center College of Art & Design, Pasadena, California.

    1989                      “Selections from the Beatrice and Philip Gersh Collection,” Museum of Contemporary Art,
    Los Angeles.

    1990                      “New Work:  A New Generation,” San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. “L.A. My Third Lady,” Tanja Grunert Gallery, Köln.

                                  “Spirit of Our Time,” Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, California. “Minimal,” Cirrus,
    Los Angeles.

    1991                      “Recent Work/Recent Acquisitions,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.

                                  “Frederick R. Weisman Gallery for California Art Inaugural Exhibition,” San Diego Museum
    of Art, San Diego.

    1994                      “DAMNED, Life, Death & Surface,” curated by Philip Pirolo, John Thomas Gallery,
    Santa Monica.

                                  “The Sacred and the Profane,” Jan Baum Gallery, Los Angeles.

    1995                      “Between Reality and Abstraction, California at the End of the Century,” Art Museum of South Texas, CorpusChristi,; Honolulu Academy of the Arts, Honolulu; Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Scottsdale, AZ; Nevada Institute of Contemporary Art (NICA), Las Vegas, NV; Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL; Reading Public Museum, Reading, PA, catalogue.

                                  “From L.A. With Love,” Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris.

                                  “Donation Panza di Biumo: 100 Works,” Cantonal Museum of Art, Lugano, Switzerland.

    1996                      “Between Reality and Abstraction,” Nevada Institute for Contemporary Art, Las Vegas. “Selections from the Permanent Collection,” Los Angeles County Museum of Art. “Broadening Horizons,” Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea.

                                  “Color Fields,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.

    1997                      “Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Collection,” San Diego Museum of Art. “Elusive Paradise,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.

                                  “Between Post-Minimalist and Conceptual,” Cantonal Museum of Art, Lugano, Switzerland


    1998                      “Everybody Loves a Clown, Baby, Why Don’t You?” Guggenheim Gallery, Chapman University, Orange, CA.

    1999                      “Black Mountain West,” I-5 Gallery, Los Angeles.

    2000                      “Bestiary,” curated by Claudine Isé and Mary-Kay Lombino, Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena. “Nonfiction,” Angstrom Gallery, Dallas.

    2002                      “Post-Cool,” curated by Michael Duncan, San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, California. “Painting and Illustration,” curated by Julie Joyce, Luckman Gallery, California State University, Los Angeles.

                                  “Curators’ Choice,” McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas.

                                  “Art in the Embassies,”  US Department of State, US Embassy, Rangoon, Myanmar. “Tradeshow,” Chapman University, Orange, CA, catalogue, essay by David Pagel.

    2003                      “Some Fuzzy Logic,” curated by Tyler Stallings, Laguna Museum of Art, Laguna Beach, CA. “Post-Cool,” curated by Michael Duncan , Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles.

    2004                      “East Meets West,” United States Embassy Rangoon, Rangoon.

                                  “Castaway,” Two person show with Pierre Picot, ANDLAB, Los Angeles.

                                  “Tear Down This Wall: Paintings from the 80’s,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.

    2005                      “Very Early Pictures,” Luckman Gallery, California State University, Los Angeles.

    2006                      “On the Wall: Murals,” Armory Center for the Arts Northwest, Pasadena, CA. “Captive,” Gatov Gallaries, California State University, Long Beach.

                                  “Animal Images in Art,” Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, CA.

    2008                      “The Unruly and The Humorous,” Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA.

    2012                      “California Art: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation,” Pepperdine University Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Malibu, CA.

    2017                     “Process and Reality: Works from the Permanent Collection – Celebrating 25 Years of Acquisitions,” Pepperdine University Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Malibu, CA.

                                  “California Dreaming: Contemporary California Art from the Weisman Art Foundation,” Pepperdine University Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Malibu, CA.

    2018                     “Conceptual Craft,” curated by Carl Berg, Denk Gallery, Los Angeles

                                  “Made in California,” California State University Gallery San Bernardino, curated by Wayne Shimabukuro

     2019                     “Re-Verb” Baik Art, Los Angeles,CA
                                  Baik Art at Numaru in Seoul Korea 
                                  Baik Art at Art Busan


    1987, 1988                            California Institute of the Arts, Valencia

    1991 – 1992, 1997               Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles

    1995                                        Occidental College, Los Angeles

    1997 – 1999                           Claremont College, Claremont

    1996 – 1999                           University of California, Los Angeles

    1989 – 2001                           Art Center College of Art & Design, Pasadena

    2001 – Present                      California State University, Los Angeles, professor


    1985            Relyea, Lane.                                           “Pick of the Week,” L.A. Weekly, Apr 19-25.

    1986            Gipe, Lawrence.                                       “Painting that Criticizes Itself,”  Artweek, Nov.

                         Bownton, Andrew.                                   “Openings,” Art & Antiques, Nov.

                         Schipper, Merle.                                      “Tim Ebner,” Artscene, Dec.

                         Selwyn, Marc.                                           “Tim Ebner,” L.A. Weekly, Dec 12-18.


    1987            Sofer, Ken.                                                Review, Art in America, Jan.

                         Gardner, Colin.                                        Review, Artforum, Feb.

                         Olander, William.                                     “Fake,” catalogue essay, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York.

                         Linker, Kate.                                             Review, Artforum, Sept.

                         Kurtz, Bruce.                                             Phoenix Biennial, catalogue essay, Phoenix Art Museum.

    1987            Knight, Christopher.                               “Phoenix Creates an Oasis of Art,” Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Aug 30.

                         Friis-Hansen, Dana.                                L.A. Hot & Cool,”catalogue essay, List Visual Art Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

    1988            Selwyn, Marc.                                           “New Art L.A.,” interview, Flash Art, Summer.

                         Knight, Christopher.                               “Defining Abstraction in Concrete Terms,” Los Angeles ExaminerSunday, Jul 10, p E-2.

                         Brougher, Kerry.                                      “The Image of Abstraction,” catalogue essay, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, July.

                         Schimmel, Paul.                                      “A Decorator’s Dream,” Orange County Register, Oct 24.

                         Fehlau, Fred.                                            Review, Flash Art, Oct.

                         Miller, Daryl.                                             “Artist gets much out of minimum,” Daily News, Sept 28,p 7.

    1989            Kornblau, Gary.                                        “Tim Ebner,” Art issues., Apr, cover reprod.

                         Leigh, Christian.                                       “Art on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown,” ContemporaneaJan/Feb.

                         Clothier, Peter.                                         “At the Hard Edge,” Artcoast, Mar/Apr, pp 40-49.

                         Smith, Richard.                                        “Tradition and Transition in Southern California Art,” New Art Examiner, Mar, pp 25-28.

                         Dixon, Phillip.                                           “Tim Ebner,” Esquire, Mar.

                         Rugoff, Ralph.                                          “Hero Sandwich,” L.A. Weekly, Apr 21-27.

    1992            Kandel, Susan.                                        Review, Los Angeles Times, Jan 10, p F 23.

    1993            Pagel, David.                                            Review, Los Angeles Times, Jul 22, pp F 10-11.

    1995            Stein, Donna.                                           Catalogue essay, Between Reality and Abstraction: California Art at the End of the Century, The Hillcrest Foundation, Los Angeles, reprod., pp 6, 25-26.

                         Greene, David A.                                     Review, Los Angeles Reader, Sept 29, p 14.

                         Pagel, David.                                            Review, Los Angeles Times, Oct 6, p F23.

                         Darling, Michael.                                      Review, Art issues., Nov/Dec, p 37.

    1996            Syrop, Mitchell.                                        “Studio Visit,” interview, Striking Distance website and CD-Rom magazine, Michael McCurry, ed., recorded Sept 21.

                         Pagel, David.                                            Review, Los Angeles Times, Oct 31, pp F3, F12.

                         Duncan, Michael.                                     Review, New Art Examiner, Dec, p 38.


    1997            Drohojowska-Philp,  Hunter.                     “Forget Fiberglass-Canvas  Means Romance,” Los Angeles Times, Aug 31, pp 51, 53.

                         Morgan, Susan.                                       Insert, Buzz Weekly, Sept 26, p 17.

    1998            Pagel, David.                                            Tim Ebner’s Post-Apocalyptic Fairy Tales or Living in the Real World, exhibition essay, Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, WI.

                         Harvey, Doug.                                          Review, Art in America, Feb, pp 111, 112.

                         Auer, James.                                            “Artist offers an engaging menagerie,” review, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Cue, Mar 11, p 2E.

                         Lawrence, Dianne.                                  Interview, Coagula, Oct, pp 36-38, 40-41.

                         Curtis, Cathy.                                            “Clowning Around with a Cliché,” review, Los Angeles Times Calendar (Orange County), Sept 15.

    1999            Sussman, Elizabeth; Joselit, David.    The BiNational,” catalogue interview, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, pp 78-81.

                         Pagel, David.                                           “Beauty of the Beasts,” review, Los Angeles Times, Feb 12, pp 29-30.

                         Knight, Christopher.                                 “Post-Boomers Spearhead the Boom,” Los Angeles Times Calendar, Apr 4, pp 5, 80

                         Zellen, Jody.                                            “Yoshitomo Nara, Tim Ebner, Jo Ann Callis, Walton Ford,” review, art press, Paris, May, reprod. pp 67-68.

                         Duncan, Michael.                                     “L.A. Portraiture: Post-Cool,” Art In America, Oct, pp124-131, reprod.

    2000            ____________.                                          “L.A. Confidential,” on-line review,, Apr.

                         Harvey, Doug.                                                        “Galleria,” review, LA Weekly, Apr 7-13, reprod. Pp 47 – 48.

                         Pagel, David.                                            “Of a Complex Nature,” review, Los Angeles Times, Apr 7, reprod. p F32.

                         Isé, Claudine; Lombino, Mary-Kay.     Bestiary,”exhibition  catalogue essay, Jul, reprod. Pp 9-10.

                         Ollman, Leah.                                           “The Animals and Us,” review, Los Angeles Times, Aug 11, p F26

    2002             Duncan, Michael.                                     LA Post-Cool,”exhibition brochure essay, San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA.

                         Fisher, Jack.                                              “LA Post-Cool Looks Inside,” review, San Jose Mercury News,Dec 6.

                         Baker, Kenneth.                                       “ ‘Post-Cool’ Show Raises Hot Questions,” review,San Francisco Chronicle, Dec 20, p D-3.

    2003             Thorson, Alice.                                         “New ‘Cool’ Isn’t: California Show Continues Art World’s Post 9/11 Flight From Irony,” article, The Kansas City StarFeb 16.

                         Morris, Barbara.                                       “LA Post-Cool at the San Jose Museum of Art,” review, Artweek, Feb, pp 11-12.

                         Knight, Christopher.                                 “Animals Mugging for the Camera,” review, Los Angeles TimesFeb 21, p E24.

                         Wood, Eve.                                               “Luck of the Tiger,” review,, Feb 22.

                         Cooper, Dennis.                                       “80’s Then: Mike Kelley Talks to Dennis Cooper,” interview, Artforum, Apr, p 225.


                         Scarborough, James.                              “Tim Ebner at Rosamund Felsen,” review, Artweek, Apr, p 27.

                         Myers, Holly.                                             “Redefining the Boundaries Of What’s Hip,” review, Los Angeles Times, Jul 28, pp E8-9.

    2005             Harvey, Doug.                                           “Premature Exhibitionism: Pictures from a Gone World,” LA Weekly, Jun 10-15.

                         Myers, Terry R.                                         “Tim Ebner,” Modern Painters, reprods., Sept, p 112.

                         Duncan, Michael.                                     “State of the Arts ‘05,” LA Weekly, Oct 28 – Nov 3.

    2010             Pagel, David                                             “Teach a man to paint fish…,” Los Angeles Times, Jan 15, 2010, p D22.

                         Harvey, Doug                                            “The Bish, The Fish, and the Fantastic Four,” LA Weekly, Jan 22, p 34

                         Myers, Terry R.                                         “At Rosamund Felsen Gallery,” The Brooklyn Rail, Artseen, Feb, 2010,

    2012             Calder, Diane                                            “Tim Ebner,” ArtScene, reprod., Feb, pp 12-12.

    2014             Pagel, David.                                             Review, LA Times, May 17, p. D4, calendar