Chris Rivas : Can you tell me how your bucket series talks about the political history in Sri Lanka and Black July? 양동이 시리즈가 스리랑카와 블랙 7월의 정치 역사에 대해 어떻게 이야기 하는지 말씀해 주시겠습니까? Gayan Prageeth : The racial conflict that commenced on July 23, 1983, is commonly known as Black July. During these …
Chris Rivas : Your artist group got its name “Gegerboyo” from the protective lava dome at Mount Merapi. How was your group introduced to the story of this dome protecting Merapi residents from volcano eruptions? 아티스트 그룹의 이름 “Gegerboyo”는 메라피 산에 있는 용암을 보호하는 돔에서 이름을 얻었습니다. Merapi주민들을 화산 폭발로부터 보호하는 이 돔의 이야기를 어떻게 …
Previous Next Emily Jones : Chris I haven’t seen you in person for a while because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but I was able to visit your show recently and really enjoyed it. Can you tell me where you got the idea for the title of your show? Chris Rivas : The title “40 Days and …
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